
“Gorch Fock” leaves the port of Hamburg towards the North Sea | – News

“Gorch Fock” leaves the port of Hamburg towards the North Sea | – News

As of: November 11, 2024 10:32 a.m

Several thousand people came to the Überseebrücke in the port of Hamburg at the weekend to see the sailing training ship “Gorch Fock” of the German Navy can be visited.

Apparently word got around that you could visit the “Gorch Fock”. Despite the cloudy November weather, long queues formed at the Überseebrücke. On Saturday alone, 3,500 curious people came to board the “White Swan of the Baltic Sea” – as the sailing training ship is also called. Visitors endured long waiting times when purchasing. It was the first time in nine years that the ship could be made in Hamburg.

Next destinations: North Sea and then Atlantic

At 10 a.m. the “Gorch Fock” lost its lines again and left the harbor again. Her first trip takes her to the North Sea and to Cuxhaven. After that, the Atlantic is on the agenda, where the crew and cadets will get the necessary seaworthiness in strong wind conditions. The “Gorch Fock” is scheduled to arrive in Kiel again on November 18th. The next larger trips are planned for spring 2025. A crossing of the Atlantic is scheduled for 2026: to mark the 250th Independence Day of the USA, the sailing training ship will travel to New York on July 4th.

The ship had to pass TÜV

The tall ship had just arrived from the Norderwerft on Steinwerder on Friday and had moored at the Überseebrücke. The “Gorch Fock” has been at the shipyard for a TÜV inspection since the end of August – a scheduled visit, as the class has to be renewed every three years. The work was completed on time and the classification society DNV put its stamp on the papers. The ship can now go on a long journey again.

Gorch Fock © imago Photo: Thomas Zimmermann

AUDIO: Hamburg Harbor Concert: New Splendor – Guest on the Gorch Fock (51 min)

More information

A crew member of the sailing training ship "Gorch Fock" Carries a sack of potatoes on board in Hamburg. © dpa Photo: Angelika Warmuth

The well-known “Gorch Fock” has to go to the ship’s TÜV. The sailing training ship can then be visited on November 9th and 10th. (October 31, 2024) more

The Gorch Fock under full sail in 1976 © dpa / Picture Alliance Photo: Kurt Scholz

The “White Swan of the Baltic Sea” was launched in Hamburg in 1958. Since then, the three-master has been traveling the world’s oceans with cadets on board as a naval training ship. more

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Hamburg Journal | November 9, 2024 | 7:30 p.m

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