
Lunula: What does the white crescent on fingernails mean?

Lunula: What does the white crescent on fingernails mean?

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Not all fingernails are the same. While some have a rosy shine and are smooth, others have a yellowish color, have grooves, white spots or are brittle. Sometimes these unsightly changes are not even noticeable at first glance – thank nail polish etc. But once the paint is off, the truth comes to light – and our state of health. Because changes to the nails can indicate illnesses or health problems.

You also have the best view of your nails when they are unpainted. Apart from possible changes that can appear on the nail plate, there is also a detail that each of us has on our nails. It’s about the small crescent, the so-called lunula (plural: lunulae).

Did you know that this little crescent moon is also said to say something about our health? We’ll explain to you what the lunula is all about.

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Lunula: What does the white crescent on fingernails mean?

White spots on fingernails: where do they come from and what can you do about them?

What is the lunula?

If you take a closer look at your fingernails, you will see that there is a milky-white crescent at the bottom of the nails. This crescent is also known as the nail moon or lunula (Latin for “little moon”).

If you now think that this is a discoloration of the nail plate, then you are wrong. The lunula is the visible part of the nail root (also called the nail matrix), which shines through the nail plate. The nail root is responsible for the growth of our nails. New skin cells are constantly being created in the root and form keratin inside. If the cells die, the dead material is pushed upwards and the nail grows.

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While some people can clearly see the lunules on all fingernails, for others the crescents can only be seen on some fingernails or only on the thumbs. The lunula is usually most pronounced on the thumbnail. On the other hand, it is often no longer noticeable on the little finger or only if you gently push back the cuticle, for example with a nail pusher.

The nail trend in which the half moons on the nails are particularly emphasized is called “Half Moon Nails”.

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What can the lunula say about your health?

If you want to know what your lunulae mean, then you should take a closer look at your fingernails. Are they visible, are they only partially visible or are they not visible at all? Are the crescents small or large? Do they shimmer white or are they discolored?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine, the crescent moon on our nails can provide information about our health. Statements can be made based on size, number or color.

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You can care for your nails with these products:

What does it mean when the lunulae are clearly visible?

If the lunula is very pronounced and can be easily recognized on the nail bed, then this can mean the following:

  • Very white, well-defined crescents The fingernails are supposed to be a sign that the person is healthy and the body has lots of energy.
  • I died Lunula larger than it should be (It should make up about a fifth of the nail), this could mean high blood pressure or stress.

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What does it mean if the crescents are not clearly visible or are very small?

If you can hardly or not at all see the lunulae on your nails, then the following could be behind it:

  • Are less than eight lunules seen on the fingernails or are these barely visibleThis could be a sign of a lack of blood circulation in the body. This can be noticeable, for example, through tiredness, fatigue and a slow metabolism.
  • The lunulae are missing, This could also be related to thyroid problems, vitamin B12 deficiency or iron deficiency.

What does it mean when the crescent moon is discolored?

If you take a closer look at the lunula, you should pay attention not only to its size, but also to its color:

  • The crescents shimmer reddishThis could indicate a lack of exercise and lung problems.
  • At a bluish-purple lunula Heart problems or circulatory problems may be the cause.
  • Are dying Nail moons discolored brownishThis could be a sign that there is too much fluoride in the body.
  • Are dying Lunulae discolored grayyou should rest. The gray color can also be due to digestive problems or difficulty absorbing certain nutrients.
  • Black crescents could be a symptom of heavy metal poisoning. Then please see a doctor immediately.

An important note at the end: The lunulae are not visible on your fingernails? That’s no reason to panic at first. The small crescents are often hidden, namely under the cuticle. Just gently push them back and check if they are visible.

If you are unsure how to interpret your lunulae or if you feel generally ill, please see a doctor. The same applies if the lunula has changed color. Our article gives you hints and tips, but cannot replace a visit to a doctor’s office.