
Burst pipe repaired: Households in Bad Bevensen have water again | – News – Lower Saxony

Burst pipe repaired: Households in Bad Bevensen have water again | – News – Lower Saxony

As of: November 12, 2024 3:15 p.m

A faucet. © NDR

The burst pipe in Bad Bevensen has been repaired. (topic image)

In Bad Bevensen (Uelzen district) some households had no running water on Monday. The problem has now been resolved, a spokesman for network operator Velle-Uelzen Netz said on Tuesday afternoon. Accordingly, a burst water pipe from a larger pipe had washed out a street in the west of the city. According to its own information, the operator had to block the supply line. As a result, around 15 households on “Am Britzenberg” street remained without water. The network operator said the water could have been somewhat cloudy in surrounding streets. However, this would have been harmless to health.

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An old crane in the Lüneburg harbor district. © NDR Photo: Julius Matuschik

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Regional Lüneburg | 11/12/2024 | 6:30 a.m

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