
Securities profile E.ON SE WKN ENAG99 ISIN DE000ENAG999 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile E.ON SE WKN ENAG99 ISIN DE000ENAG999 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile E.ON SE WKN ENAG99 ISIN DE000ENAG999 Chart Message Share price comparison

The energy company EON had a positive trading day on December 28th, with the share increasing by 0.20 percent to 11.24 euros. The utility giant with a market capitalization of 29.7 billion euros thus consolidated its position in the midfield of the DAX. Compared to the previous day, this means an increase of 0.02 euros.

Price development year-on-year

The Essen-based energy company’s shares suffered a decline of 7.70 percent over the course of 2024. Despite the current upward movement, the stock is still trading 23.00 percent below its 52-week high, but is still 2.02 percent above the 52-week low.


EON share: buy or sell?! New EONAnalyzefrom December 28th provides the answer:

The latest EON figures speak for themselves: there is an urgent need for action for EON shareholders. Is it worth getting started or should you sell? In the current free analysis from December 28th you will find out what to do now.

EON: Buy or sell? Read more here…