
Winter: With these tips and tricks you can stay fit and healthy | Life & Knowledge

Winter: With these tips and tricks you can stay fit and healthy | Life & Knowledge

In December, the number of deaths increases significantly – especially from heart attacks and circulatory problems. Winter is particularly stressful for the body, and cold, bad air and less exercise increase the risk. How do you get through the cold season healthy?

BILD has put together the most important tips for you so that you can get through the winter fit and safe.

How do you stay fit in winter?

Winter brings freezing temperatures. But don’t worry, with the right strategies the body can stay fit and healthy even in the cold season.

Exercise in the fresh air, a balanced diet and targeted measures to strengthen the immune system ensure that you stay energetic and healthy even in frosty temperatures. But the extra isn’t everything, with these tips you can get through the winter fit:

  1. Healthy eating: In winter, vitamin D is a must for your immune system, as the sun is not enough – it must be obtained through your diet, as well as vitamin C and vitamin A, which further strengthen your immune system
  2. Drink a lot: In winter, the body needs more fluids because dry air dries out the mucous membranes – drink 1.5-2 liters of water or unsweetened tea daily and avoid alcohol
  3. Keeping exercise and sport fit: Regular exercise has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, digestion, the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, the psyche and the immune system
  4. Avoid stress: Too much stress releases cortisol, which inhibits the spread of immune cells, delays healing and increases susceptibility to infection
  5. Get enough sleep: Sleep is crucial for the production of immune cells and the regeneration of the body and brain – sleeping less than five hours increases the risk of illness and other illnesses
  6. Flu vaccination: An annual flu shot can prevent colds and strengthen your immune system
  7. Ventilate properly: In the cold season, depending on the weather, it is enough to ventilate with the windows wide open 2-3 times a day for around 5 minutes – in the bedroom even 5-10 minutes after getting up in the morning
  8. Sauna sessions strengthen the immune system: The nasal and throat mucous membranes in particular are strengthened by the sauna and can activate the immune system better

How should you eat in winter?

For a strong immune system winter A healthy diet is essential. Fresh fruit and Vegetables Provide your body with important nutrients. Cabbage, turnips and potatoes are particularly popular now.

Anything that brings tears to your eyes, such as onions and leeks, should also be on the menu regularly. Important: Do not cook vegetables for too long, otherwise the nutrients will be lost.

In winter you should especially eat lots of fruit and vegetables

In winter you should especially eat lots of fruit and vegetables

Photo: Getty Images

Nuts are real nutrient bombs, and for anyone who freezes easily, spices like ginger, turmeric, cardamom and cinnamon are the perfect winter companion – they warm you from the inside! An insider tip is the pomegranate, which not only has an anti-inflammatory effect but is also said to make the skin beautiful.

Whole grains and legumes are also real energy and protein bombs that provide your body with the fuel it needs to beat the cold and get through the winter fit.

How much should you drink in winter?

Even in sub-zero temperatures, the body needs enough fluids – the cold, dry air allows sweat to evaporate quickly without you noticing. In addition, the body is constantly trying to maintain its core temperature, which also uses up fluid.

Particularly recommended: heat water to around 37 degrees, as it does not have to stress the body temperature and is more easily absorbed. Non-carbonated water is ideal as it is better tolerated.

Is walking healthy in winter?

A walk outside is not only more effective than cuddling up on the couch or using the treadmill – natural light helps regulate sleep hormones and prevents fatigue and listlessness. Winter hiking – whether in the snow or at sub-zero temperatures – is the perfect trend for staying fit.

Fresh air and exercise in winter is particularly important and healthy for the immune system

Fresh air and exercise in winter is particularly important and healthy for the immune system

Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

Exercising in the fresh air and vitamin D from daylight are real health boosters. They strengthen the immune system, promote circulation and protect the mucous membranes from the dry indoor air. And the best thing: hiking makes you happy and is good for your psyche.

Is exercise healthy in winter?

We regularly sport Power, gets your immune system in top shape. Even moderate training ensures that the mucous membranes are better supplied with blood and thus form a stronger barrier against viruses and bacteria.

In addition, the activity of the white blood cells, which are responsible for the immune system, is stimulated. And the best thing: When you exercise, lots of happiness hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine are released – for a better mood and more energy.

How should you shower in winter?

Extreme temperature fluctuations put a strain on the heart: the blood vessels expand and the heart has to work harder. Showers or baths that are too hot are not only stressful for the heart, but also bad for the skin.

Especially when it’s cold, lukewarm water is the better choice! Hot water temperatures attack the protective layer of fat skin which has already dried out due to the low outside temperatures. The result: Itching, Flaking and small cracks in the skin through which bacteria can enter.

Showering or bathing too often can also irritate the skin

Showering or bathing too often can also irritate the skin

Photo: Getty Images

Tip: Be sure to apply cream after showering to protect the skin from drying out. Also: Take a warm shower rather than a hot shower to protect your heart and skin.

Is sauna healthy in winter?

If you want to strengthen your immune system in addition to exercise, you should go to the sauna regularly. Alternating showers after a sauna session promote blood circulation and make the body fit against viruses. The nasal and throat mucosa in particular is strengthened and can mobilize better defenses.

How should you sleep in winter?

Avoid processed sugar (such as sweets, sweet drinks) at least one hour before bed and caffeine (coffee, energy drinks) two hours before. The ideal is to go to bed at 10:30 p.m. and sleep for 8-9 hours. A nap is allowed, but not longer than 30 minutes.

Ventilate your bedroom about 10 minutes before going to sleep and only use the bed for sleeping – not for eating or gaming. Avoid artificial light: Turn off your notebook, TV and cell phone so that your sleep hormones are not disturbed. And don’t forget: A thick winter blanket provides extra warmth and cozy security in the cold season.

What can you do to prevent the flu?

Who on flu sick, increases the risk of a heart attack sixfold. A flu vaccination reduces this risk by a third – all year round.

A flu vaccination can help prevent colds

A flu vaccination can help prevent colds

Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A strong immune system can usually fight cold or flu viruses without any problems. However, if the immune system is weakened, the viruses can penetrate the mucous membranes and cause symptoms such as fever and cough.

Um, you immune system Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding constant stress and not smoking helps to strengthen your body. An annual flu vaccination provides additional protection and strengthens the immune system.

How to promote mental health in winter?

People without social contacts have a 30 percent higher risk of having one heart attack or suffer a stroke. So: Don’t say “no” to an evening with friends, even if it seems more comfortable at home.

The Christmas season brings a lot of extra stress and can be a big burden on the immune system. Psychological stress and too little sleep weakens the immune system.

Pay attention to your body’s warning signs and give yourself a break if you feel weak. Sufficient sleep and a day of rest work wonders and help recharge your batteries.