
“Dialogue is an important element in a family”

“Dialogue is an important element in a family”

On the feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of the family as such during the Angelus prayer on Sunday afternoon. The story of the Holy Family sounds “just like the story of an ordinary family of our time, with a difficult teenager and parents who don’t understand him,” the pontiff began.

“Let’s take a closer look at this family,” Führer continued. “You know, why is the Holy Family of Nazareth a role model?” Because it is a family that exchanges, that listens, that speaks to one another. Dialogue is an important element in a family! A family that doesn’t communicate can’t be a happy family.”

“It is nice when a mother does not immediately make accusations, but instead asks questions,” explained Pope Francis, referring to Our Lady. “Mary does not accuse, she does not judge – she tries to understand how, by listening, she can get through to this son who is so different.” Despite this effort, the Gospel says that Mary and Joseph “did not understand what he said to them’ – which shows that in the family it is more important to listen than to understand.”

Listening means “giving importance to the other, recognizing their right to their own life, their own thinking.” Francis was convinced: “Children need this.”

“A favorable moment for dialogue and listening in the family is mealtime,” said the pontiff. “It’s nice to sit down at the table together and talk to each other.” That can solve a lot of problems and, above all, it connects the generations.”

“Never remain introverted or, even worse, with your head over your cell phone,” he warned. “Talk to each other, listen to each other: This is the dialogue that is good and allows us to grow!”

If you don’t understand each other in your own family, you should ask: “Have we listened to each other?” Do we address the problems by listening to each other, or do we isolate ourselves in silence, bitterness and pride? Do we take time for dialogue? What we can learn from the Holy Family today is that we need to listen to one another.”

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