
The Route: Black Chef’s brilliant adaptation of Larcenet by McCarthy

The Route: Black Chef’s brilliant adaptation of Larcenet by McCarthy

Souvenez-vous, il y avait eu l’effet Blast ! Disons-le sans fioriture, c’était un chef-d’œuvre. Signé Manu Larcenet. There are additional prizes for Raflé, without him receiving the best album in Angoulême. As the series played in four volumes, the jury of four were convinced of the excellence of this original work, which lay in the power of the performance and achieved the effect of a nuclear artistic bomb (son of the title). y prédestinait sans doute…), que dans celle du graphisme, d’one explosive toute rentrée.
It may be that they have never received an “Up” to an author who won the prize in 2004 for Le Combat Ordinaire.

Monsieur Larcenet had no mind…

Quoi qu’il en soit, Manu leur donne on an occasion de se rattraper. Et pas des mindres. With “La Route”.
Hey, hop! A new chef! Please excuse me, Monsieur Larcenet had no mind…
For those I know, it was a good adaptation of the Roman namesake Cormac McCarthy. A chef en soi. This is what our author BD fails to do.
The subject appears extremely delicate because the translation tells it in pictures.

Quatorze nuances de gris

Certainly, this post-apocalyptic imagination is vast and numerous, the images that a devastated world has ravaged and the déchiquetés are no longer there. Cendré, crasseux, qui aurait presque pu étouffer the crayon de Marcenet en meme tempors que le lecteur, mais the homme de l’art s’re veille to merveille en varie en quelque sorte l’épaisseur de l’air. It’s terrible! The Larcenet jam consists of 14 shades of gray to use your material.

Men and women reduits à l’état de victuailles

More than that, without a doubt, I will speak to the silence. Ceux qui s’tirent into ce père and ce fils condamnés a mettre a pied from the other on this route sans fin. On this route, all dangers must be faced, starting with the person who hit them. They trained souvenirs and forgot the time when a chariot was entrusted with the reliefs of a civilization revolution that helped them survive. Le perdre, c’est se condamner.
And then the other survivors, enmeshed in the destroyed panoramas, were left disillusioned by one thing: inhumanity. On the peinera à oublier the tableau of this bailiff of men and women of a gang, and réduits à l’état de victuailles ambulatory…

Decline of the Corps et des âmes

The content is horrible. Perhaps throughout the world, the Loi du Plus Fort (or du Plus Sauvage!) has been ruled by McCarty without contradiction. Another atrocious addition without a doubt is the BD adaptation. The realism of the design, just the details caused by the grievances of the corps (more than others), the defenses, the hardships, the mutilations, everything that helped to increase the impact indefinitely.
This route was discovered by Larcenet and can also be called Blast. Or: “Blast, et après, quoi?” » A simple question? But what was written by McCarty, or what Larcenet had in mind, was on the right page.
Alors, the Angoulême jury is sensible, what is it? Overall, the title is included in the official 2025 selection. On the route.

Lysiane Ganousse

La Route, by Manu Larcenet, to Cormac McCarthy, chez Dargaud; €28.50