
Schleswig-Holstein: This is what’s waiting for us in the night sky in SH in 2025!

Schleswig-Holstein: This is what’s waiting for us in the night sky in SH in 2025!

As of: December 29, 2024 3:55 p.m

Northern lights attracted many people into the night this year. There will be astronomical spectacles again in 2025. The vhs Observatory Neumünster gives highlight tips for the coming year.

Whether northern lights, shooting star showers or solar eclipses. Astronomically, there is a lot to discover in the sky in 2025. According to Marco Ludwig from the Neumünster Observatory, things get particularly romantic at the beginning of the year: “On the evening of January 3rd we have Venus, which can be seen very brightly in the southwest sky. Added to this is the narrow crescent moon and it simply creates a very romantic image in the evening twilight. On the same night, Quadrantid showers allowed up to 100 shooting stars to be seen per hour, Ludwig continued. A day later, at around 6:30 p.m., with the help of binoculars, Saturn was observed disappearing behind the moon and reappearing an hour later.

Shooting star shower invite to wish

In addition to the so-called Quadrantids, the somewhat familiar Perseid showers have their peak on August 12th. Shortly before the end of the year, the Geminids appear, reaching their high on December 13th and 14th. The Quadrantids, Perseids and Geminids are the three most intense meteor showers of the year

Solar eclipse and Astronomy Day on March 29th

On Sunday evening, March 29th, there will be a partial solar eclipse, which, according to the observatory, will be particularly visible in Schleswig-Holstein. The start is expected at 11:26 a.m. and the peak is reached at 12:18 p.m. Almost an hour later, the solar eclipse is over again. If you want to watch the natural spectacle, you should think about solar eclipse glasses to protect your eyes. Astronomy Day also takes place on this day, when some observatories invite you to professionally observe the solar eclipse.

Chances of seeing the northern lights in 2025 too

Last year, many people discovered the northern lights in Schleswig-Holstein. They could also appear all year round in 2025. According to Ludwig, solar activity is still at its peak. Anyone interested can find out about current visibility using northern light apps.

Photo gallery

Northern Lights: Colorful sky images from the night of October 11th. from SH

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NDR 1 Wave North | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 12/29/2024 | 4:00 p.m