
With 3 savings tips you can make it playful

With 3 savings tips you can make it playful

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With a few tips and a little perseverance, everyone can save. What methods can you use to save without much effort?

Whether for a vacation, a new washing machine or simply as an emergency fund: many people would like to save. But given the rising everyday costs, this is not always easy. Even small amounts can help you accumulate a decent sum over time. It is important to choose the method or challenge that suits your own life and desired goals. Before you start saving, you should also identify and avoid unnecessary expenses. Here we reveal tips on how you can save money sensibly and efficiently.

1. Savings tip: The 52-week savings method

With 3 savings tips you can make it playful
It doesn’t always have to be big bills: even with small change you can save a nice sum over time. © Louis Christian/Imago

The 52-week method is one of the easiest and most popular ways to save a small fortune in a playful way. The principle of the challenge is particularly simple:

  • Every week on a certain day – for example Sunday – one euro more is thrown into the money box than in the previous week.
  • One euro is also saved in the first week, two euros in the second week, three euros in the third week and so on.
  • In the last week of the year, 52 euros end up in the savings pot.
  • If the sum is counted on New Year’s Eve, savings enthusiasts can look at a total of 1,378 euros.

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2nd savings trick: 5 euro challenge for cash payers

The five euro trick is particularly suitable for people who like to pay with cash. With this method, every time a five-euro note ends up in your wallet, it is sorted out and placed in the money box. It is difficult to predict how much money will be saved using this method. Most savers accumulate a considerable sum at the end of the year. If you want to start with smaller amounts, you can of course also start with one or two euro coins instead of five euros. The habit of saving small amounts instead of buying things you don’t actually need – even if it’s just 10 to 20 euros a week – can help you save a large amount at some point.

3. Saving method: round up in your favor

This method is suitable for both people who like to pay with cash and those who use their card. The experts of the Federal Association of German Banks We recommend the following trick: Every time you buy something for your own well-being, round up the amount and save the difference. What sounds complicated in theory is actually very simple in practice. If the new pair of shoes costs 75.99 euros, this amount is rounded up to 80 euros. The 4.01 euro difference is then saved. If you want to save more, you can of course increase the amount. Savings foxes can also round up more generously – always to the next 50 or 100 euros.

Another method for saving money is the so-called 1 euro rule, which is particularly suitable for consumers who want to get to know saving first.