
Fire experts demonstrate safe burning in the “Learn & Burn” workshop

Fire experts demonstrate safe burning in the “Learn & Burn” workshop

GEORGETOWN, Del. – We have experienced an extended drought here on Delmarva that may pose a threat to fire protection.

The Delaware Forest Service is working to reduce the risk of fires through its Learn & Burn Workshop.

The workshop will demonstrate safe prescribed fire to assist in forestland management while updating participants on basic fire education.

Woodland Fire Chief Sam Topper said they wanted to show and explain to people how to properly deal with fires.

“All of these prescribed fires are being started under very severe weather and fuel conditions and with the right personnel and equipment on site to ensure their containment. That’s what we want to show at this event,” Topper said.

The workshop will be held at Redden State Forest in Georgetown on January 31 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.