
Federal election 2025: Germany is looking for the super candidate – Gloss – Bavaria

Federal election 2025: Germany is looking for the super candidate – Gloss – Bavaria

Munich, December 31st. Shortly before the turn of the year, the television castings began with the top candidates for the federal election. Surprisingly, Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger missed the recall on Monday. Aiwanger impresses with his version of the children’s classic “Brother, come dance with me” in Rottenburg’s Laabertal Hall. In a direct duel for advancement (battle), however, he was defeated by BSW chairman Sahra Wagenknecht, who sang the well-known peace song “Do you think the Russians want war?” together with the sailors’ choir of the Black Sea Fleet.

At the initiative of the Bavarian state government in the Broadcasting Council, the public service decision foregoes TV debates before this election. Instead, the top candidates compete in a singing competition.

Politician Quotes Quiz

:Who said it – and why?

Bavarian politicians are in the media almost every day with their issues. Can you still remember which sentence he uttered – and in what context? Test your knowledge in our quotes quiz!

By Johann Osel and Verena Wolff

This is awaited with great excitement battle between the Green candidate for chancellor Robert Habeck and CSU boss Markus Söder, which took place on January 1st in the Olympic ski stadium in Garmisch – directly before the last ten ski jumpers in the second round of the New Year’s competition. Söder represents the official CSU top candidate Alexander Dobrindt, who, according to a CSU spokesman, is “vocally indisposed”. Söder will perform the old folk song “Everyone is green, green, green, unfortunately everyone is”. Habeck has announced a “rhythmic setting” of Uwe Johnson’s novel “Anniversaries”, written with around 800 pages in mind for the ski jumping audience.

On New Year’s Eve, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) meets Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz with his cover of Katja Ebstein’s “Miracles Always Happen” with his requested song “Gross National Product”. Vulture swooping specified hat. FDP frontman Christian Lindner has successfully sued for his participation in the open-air trial in front of the Brandenburg Gate; he is planning his very personal version of the 90s hit “Would I Lie to You?”

The top left-wing candidates Jan van Aken and Heidi Reichinnek are not invited, but protest against this with a YouTube recording of “Sound of Silence”. After much hesitation, AfD candidate for chancellor Alice Weidel has agreed to appear alone in a special edition of “The Masked Singer”. The audience is then asked to rate which costume Weidel is hiding behind: a small snake, a large wolf or a Russian bear.