
Medium length hairstyles: The 13 most beautiful shoulder-length haircuts

Medium length hairstyles: The 13 most beautiful shoulder-length haircuts

Hairstyles for medium-length hair: The 13 most beautiful shoulder-length cuts & practical styling tips

If hairstyles were medium length, they were considered a rather unwelcome transitional length for a while – but that is long gone. Because this length is now one of the coolest hair lengths ever!

A medium-length hairstyle was anything that ended between the chin and shoulders or just above the collarbones. And this length is not only stylish but also quite practical. Hairstyles for medium-length hair can be beautifully styled and highlighted, but can also be quickly pulled together with a hair tie or clip. Even updos are possible with medium-length hair. Hairstyles for medium length hair also have quite a few advantages!

Which cut for shoulder-length hair?

Luckily, if you want hairstyles to be medium length, you have a pretty wide range of cool haircuts to choose from. Whether classic and elegant, layered and lively or bangs – pretty much anything is possible with this hair length.

When searching, it’s best to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What hair structure do you have?
  • Do you have a lot or a little hair?
  • How much time do you want or can spend on styling in everyday life?
  • Would you like to wear your hair longer again after this hairstyle?

These questions can help you choose the perfect hairstyle for you and your needs. If, for example, you want to grow your hair long again after a medium-length hairstyle, you should definitely not work with short layers on the top of your head.

There are also hairstyles for medium-length hair that require almost no styling and are therefore super time-saving – or just the opposite. When looking for medium-length hairstyles, these considerations are definitely worth considering in advance.

The most beautiful hairstyles for medium length hair

1. Clavi cut

If uncomplicated shoulder-length hairstyles Should be, the Clavi Cut is high on the list of possibilities. This haircut is intended to particularly emphasize the collarbones, which is why it ends directly above the collarbones (“clavicle”).

The front strands are kept slightly shorter. This means the hair has a cool cut, but can also be tied together at any time without much effort.

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2. Wolf cut

Bangs, bangs, bangs – that’s the motto of this stylish haircut. Who shoulder length hair in layers If you want to have it cut, you could be happy with the Wolf Cut. This hairstyle is basically the modern version of a mullet haircut.