
Securities profile Gerresheimer AG WKN A0LD6E ISIN DE000A0LD6E6 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile Gerresheimer AG WKN A0LD6E ISIN DE000A0LD6E6 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile Gerresheimer AG WKN A0LD6E ISIN DE000A0LD6E6 Chart Message Share price comparison

Gerresheimer AG recorded a significant price increase of 3.25 percent to 70.60 euros on December 23rd. The specialist for pharmaceutical packaging solutions was able to consolidate its position shortly before the end of the year and is now 10.98 percent above its 52-week low. The positive price development of the last trading days contrasts with the monthly development, which shows a decline of 5.71 percent.

Fundamental data at a glance

With a market capitalization of 2.4 billion euros and a current P/E ratio of 21.00, the group is solidly positioned. The dividend distribution is expected to be 1.25 euros per share in 2024, which underlines the company’s ongoing dividend policy.


Gerresheimer shares: buy or sell?! New GerresheimerAnalyzefrom December 25th provides the answer:

The latest Gerresheimer figures speak for themselves: there is an urgent need for action for Gerresheimer shareholders. Is it worth getting started or should you sell? In the current free analysis from December 25th you will find out what to do now.

Gerresheimer: Buy or sell? Read more here…