
Central venous oxygen saturation is not predictive of early complications in cancer patients presenting to the emergency department. Peyrony O,…

Ambulance Density and Outcomes After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Chocron R, Loeb T, Lamhaut L, Jost D, Adnet F, Lecarpentier E,…

Methodological characteristics of randomized controlled trials of ultrasonography in emergency medicine. Daffos Q, Hansconrad E, Plaisance P, Pateron D, Yordanov…

A systematic review of retracted publications in emergency medicine. Chauvin A, De Villelongue C, Pateron D, Yordanov Y. Eur J…

Safety of the Combination of PERC and YEARS Rules in Patients With Low Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism: A Retrospective…

Targeted HIV Screening in Eight Emergency Departments: The DICI-VIH Cluster-Randomized Two-Period Crossover Trial. Leblanc J, Hejblum G, Costagliola D, Durand-Zaleski…

Effect of Systematic Physician Cross-checking on Reducing Adverse Events in the Emergency Department: The CHARMED Cluster Randomized Trial. Freund Y,…

Effect of emergency physician burnout on patient waiting times. De Stefano C, Philippon AL, Krastinova E, Hausfater P, Riou B,…

Randomized controlled trials of simulation-based interventions in Emergency Medicine: a methodological review. Chauvin A, Truchot J, Bafeta A, Pateron D,…

Obesity and emergency care in the French CONSTANCES cohort. Feral-Pierssens AL, Carette C, Rives-Lange C, Matta J, Goldberg M, Juvin…